Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pregnancy So Far

My pregnancy has been easy and enjoyable.. so far.  I have not been sick at all (although I do seem to have a weaker stomach), no soreness, swelling, etc.  My weight gain has been very minimal.. I lost 4 lbs between my first and second appointments and I've gained one pound per month since (so I'm still at negative 1lb so far!).   I'm hoping that the remaining few months will be as easy as the first few and I'm hoping even more that the delivery is just as good (I know I'm being overly optimistic).

I started taking belly pictures at 5 weeks and I've tried to keep them coming at regular intervals (doesn't always happen) and in the same clothes.  Next time I get pregnant (there will definitely be a next), I am going to pick a cute outfit.. I think when I started this I was just excited to get started and didn't think much about it.  SO.. most of the pictures are right before bedtime and I look a hot mess.....eeks..

I was REALLY hoping for twins (I know, I'm crazy.... I've always wanted twins, though) and I thought I had a good chance at having my wish because my husband's dad is an identical twin.  No such luck this go round.... maybe next time!  I've also always wanted a boy first and my husband wanted a girl... so on November 9th at 21weeks we found out that it's.....

A GIRL!!! 
Since then, I've been Googling and buying like crazy... mostly for the nursery.  I decided to not do a "theme", but more of a color palette of dark brown, tan, cream and pinky-coral.  I also decided that I would not find bedding that was exactly what I wanted, so I have decided to make it all.  I am by no means "good" at sewing or even adequate really, but I am pretty crafty and I think I can pull it off.. if nothing else it will be a good learning experience. :)  There will be more posts on the nursery, bedding, decor, etc. coming soon...... 

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