Sunday, May 5, 2013

Newborn Photography Session

I really love photography.  I have tried my hand at it a few times and have been pretty impressed with how well I did.  When I found out I was pregnant, I became obsessed with newborn photography.  I googled for positioning ideas and tips and tricks.  For Christmas I...I mean, my husband, got me some editing software.  So when my Little Bird arrived I could not wait to get started!!  The only problem was, I was still learning the ropes of being a mommy and I kept putting it off.  I get really good lighting at about 2pm in the living room, but it seemed like everytime I was ready to do it, she would be awake or fidgety or hungry or not asleep enough that I could position her.  FINALLY I did it when she was 11 days old.  I am very pleased with how they turned out.  I thought I took a ton, but apparently I just took a ton of the same few poses.  If I were to do it all over I would definitely have moved her around more and "played" more.  Maybe next time. :)

Here's what I ended up with....

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